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Past vs. Present vs. Future - Four Groups of People and how they see the World

Updated: Jan 8

Through numerous trips, living abroad in different countries and meeting a lot of people from all over the world but also by talking to old friends and family members I realized that there are kind of like roughly four groups of people, four categories (they surely are more groups but I tried to limit them to four) based on their behaviour and how they see the past, present, and the future.

Past vs. Present vs. Future - Which group do you belong to?
Past vs. Present vs. Future - Which group do you belong to?

Ok, so before you read on please be aware of that the grouping I did below is just based on my personal experience and thoughts. It is not meant to discriminate anyone. I am aware of that there are way more than those four groups and that many people are in between.

Here we go, let's have a look at the groups that I identified...

Group 1 - The "in the past everything was better" group

Thinking about this group typical members are people in their 40s and older from well developed countries especially in Europe like Finland, Germany, Switzerland, or Singapore and Korea in Asia. They see progress as a double edged sword with good and bad sites but worry a lot about topics like capitalism, global warming, corruption or the decline of our environment. They see the future more negative and challenging rather than a chance to change things for the better although they enjoyed an excellent access to education, mostly save jobs and a guaranteed retirement.

Another aspect is that people in this group are less risk-averse and more value security and stability e.g. their job (they do not like to change jobs that often). They are fine with the established governmental structures but also criticize them a lot at the same time, are suspicious towards them - politics takes a huge part in their day to day topics. Do not expect people from those group be of great help or support when you share about your plans to move out your home country or start a career as a digital nomad. Instead of being supportive they tend to mostly surface their concerns and negative aspects, risks of such a decision. If you are looking for support and motivation better turn to others.

Group 2 - The "work hard, party hard" group

Those people live in the now, the present. They enjoy life to the fullest and live from day to day without preparing for the future (e.g. retirement, health) and spend their money mostly for physical things, parties etc. to get a short kick. Typical members of this group are mostly younger people from more developed countries like Europe, USA. They have access to a retirement system in the future and fine to good health care system and therefore do not really care about preparing for it.

Well, let's be honest... for all those above the 30s, we all been there and it is normal to go through that phase when you are in your early 20s but it is probably better when this ends when you are approaching your 30th birthday (latest). Although this phase in our lives was big fun it not really leads to anything towards a better future ;) Income is low, dependency from ours very high. It is just hard to build up anything that time and at one point every party has to end!

Group 3 - The "I have to prepare what is coming" group

People from this group are mostly focused on the future! They are diligent, can handle money very well, save up and do not really go on holidays, to clubs or spend their money for unnecessary things. Most people from this group I met in South East Asia, especially in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia. Those people are not that lucky like many others in well developed countries to have access to a good education, health care and retirement. They have to work hard and take care of their future as the government will probably not do it.

Neverthelss, they were also masters in enjoying the "now" and the small things in life which was a new experience for me. I can say without any doubt that people I met from this group influenced me in a deep positive way, changed me to more appreciate my access to good education, health care and retirement. They made me think and prepare more for the future but also tought me how to enjoy the present better and the small things in life. This shows, that traveling widens your horizon, and that we can learn from each other.

Group 4 - The "Learn from the past, enjoy the now and prepare for the future"

Over the last 10 years I met people from all over the world that inspired me to change, to risk, to face fears and take opportunities when they show up. The people I am talking about are people from group 4. At least for me personal, I envy people belonging to this group. They seem to have mastered dealing with past, present, and future at the same time. They are aware that every "era" has advantages, disadvantages, positive and negative sides but they understand that those challenges and fears can be turned into opportunities to grow and develop the own personality.

The do not cling to the past but realize that it is over, that they have to move on but learn from their mistakes and experiences. They enjoy and appreciate the present, the now with the small and bigger things but also do not overestimate it as they understand that it is a very fragile thing. They are fully aware of the importance of the future and know that they are in control of writing it by themselves. The future is written in the present and although results are not visible directly it is important to take specific steps in the now. Results will become visible in the future. Yes, investments in the present sometimes seem pointless and not so important because of exactly this but they are. People from group 4 understand that very well and although they enjoy the present make sure that they prepare well for the future.

So which group do I belong to?

I honestly have to say that I do not belong (not yet) to group 4 although I would love to be part of it and as this is my big goal. I always try to remind myself to "learn from the past, enjoy the now but prepare for the future" but as you expect, it is not easy and a daily struglle probably many of us are facing. I would say that I am probably on a good way to get there but still I am not fully there.

My tip for you, travel the world and get out of your comfort zone, meet people from all over the world and learn from them! Don't be scared, it's gonne be the most a,mazing time of your life! from all the people I met, learned to see different perspectives of life, daily routine and I became more empatic (which is think is key to succeed in many areas). All the people and experiences made me a better version of myself.Looking back from where I started around 10 years ago, from that little village in Germany I came far, a long way and I like myself much more now than before. Still it is a never ending journey and I am looking forward to what is still coming, on my way.

Which group would you consider being a part of and why? Could you identify different groups? Feel free to comment!

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