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How I became a Digital Nomad - Exchange Semester in Mexico, Part 2/5

Updated: Jan 8

Hola Mexico! Exchange Semester in Monterrey

Me visiting the Aztec pyramids at Teotihuacan, located 30 miles outside of Mexico City
Me visiting the Aztec pyramids at Teotihuacan, located 30 miles outside of Mexico City

The whole 4 years I really enjoyed my studies. I improved my English significantly to the point where I did not have to translate every word or sentence in my mind from German into English before I could speak out. Instead when I had a conversation I could communicate fast and fluent in English. Once you achieve this point, I think that this is a milestone you can be proud of and you are close to master a foreign language to a degree that native speakers will hardly recognize that you are a foreigner. Besides improving my English skills, I met people from literally all over the world who came from abroad for their internship or as exchange students.

The best though was the exchange semester and the internship! It would mean to leave my comfort zone and to set out for the unknown - Milestone number 2. I applied for several countries including Costa Rica and #Mexico. The exchange semester would come first and I was excited to receive my final destination. The day arrived where the results were emailed out and I rushed to on of the computers in the University, opened my email and... MEXICO it was MEXICO! For nearly 12 months I would move to Monterrey, Mexico to study at #UDEM - Universidad de Monterrey! I would move to a latin american country with a complete different culture. I was floating and super excited and could not wait to leave but my Mom was a bit worried as Mexico was not the savest country. Nevertheless I left and I had an amazing time, met people from Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Finland, and many others. Some became friends and I am still in touch with them even they are in Spain, Finland or Switzerland. I traveled Mexico and many other countries like Belize, Costa Rica or Panama. You can read my article - "One Year in Mexico - An amazing exchange Semester in Latin America" if you want to learn more about my time in Mexico and what I experienced. Without any doubt, this year abroad in a foreign unknown culture had a huge impact on my personality development. Besides learning spanish, which was just cool as it will be super helpful besides english to communicate in nearly whole south america (and of course wonderful Spain) my self confidence got a huge boost. Old fears faded away. The most important change that happened to me that I would from now onwards not be scared to leave my comfort zone anymore - the oposite, I would try to leave it as much as possible. A threat became something I want!

Coming back to leaving the comfort zone, I think the quote from #RoyTBenett really hits the nail on the head - "The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure. You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone."

Key Learnings

  • Try to leave your comfort zone as much as you can. Imagine leaving the comfort zone like a muscle training, it might hurt but that is how you growth. Change starts at the end of your comfort zone.

  • Study abroad in English language instead of your mother tongue.

  • Do as much internships and exchange semesters as possible.

  • Try to build a network with people from all over the world.

Next stop - Thailand! Internship in Bangkok

After my exchange semester I came back to Europe, completely pumped by the experiences abroad. I felt liberated from old constraints, blockers. I felt that the whole world is no open to me, all the fears were washed away. Before I left to Mexico I was still struggling to leave my comfort zone, I was worried about how life would be abroad, how the people and culture would be. Would I be happy there? Many things went through my head... Now, being back in Europe and looking back on this unique experience I would say that there was a feeling of achievement, a feeling of victory over one of my major fears. It just felt right and good and I was ready for the next chapter - the #internship! Before we get there, let me go back 4 years in time...

Going around in Bangkok exploring a totally new culture
Going around in Bangkok exploring a totally new culture

I always was fascinated by Asia, and especially south east Asia! For me it seemed like a different world, exotic, spicy and delicious food, friendly smiling people and of course palms, unlimited sunshine and amazing beaches! I felt it was time for me to leave Europe which I traveled quite a bit to visit some more further away countries. Thailand was my top pick and it always had been on my bucket travel list! I tried to convinced my best friend to go on a three week trip and I was successful! We boarded the plane and arrived in Bangkok around 10 hours later. As we decided to continue to the south (we wanted to visit Koh Samui) we transferred at Suvarnabhumi Airport and boarded another plane. On board we talked about what we want to do when reaching the island paradise as suddenly the person in the seat in front of us turned around to us "Oh, you are German! It's always nice to hear some german sentences." We were surprised but got into a nice conversation with Florian, originally from Munich but who was living in Thailand for more than 12 years. He was the owner of a digital media company in Bangkok. He shared about his live in Thailand and had a ton of tips for our island hopping. More important though which also will bring us back to why I did my internship in Thailand was his last sentence when we split at the airport - "If you ever plan to work in Thailand, let me know, my network is big and I know a lot of people in Bangkok". I did not really had any plans that time but we connected on Facebook and thanked him.

Bangkok Skyline
Bangkok Skyline

Let's jump back to the Netherlands to which I just had returned from my exchange semester in Mexico. In about half a year, I would have to do a six months internship in a company abroad related to my field of studies which was International Business before I would return again to finish my studies. Everyone got busy with their research and I was thinking about possibilities for my internship. Two of my best friends secured an Internship in Indonesia, Jakarta and I thought that it would be nice to do my internship in South East Asia as well. Then it hit me and I remembered Florian, the German company owner I met on a plane from Bangkok to Koh Samui 4 years ago! I messaged him on Facebook and asked if he knew someone that offers internships. His answer came quick and he suggested me to contact at friend of him also from Germany who was the owner of an IT company in Bangkok. Without hesitation I wrote an email to introduce myself and test the waters for an internship possibility. Some weeks later I got the internship! Moving to Thailand, one of the most popular travel destinations world wide for a year would surely be another great experience I was hoping for and in hindsight another very important milestone achieved as it enabled me to constantly leave my comfort zone, my bubble in the future. We will get to this soon ("Goodbye Germany"). And it turned out to be just awesome! It also helped me that I been in Thailand before for leisure to get a better understanding and feeling for the country and culture. Of course it was limited to just some weeks but it definitely helped me to gauge if it could be a place for me to live for a longer period of time.

I also wrote a dedicated article about my time in Thailand "How a One year Internship in Bangkok turned into a 7 year long life changing experience", it is a great example of how leaving your comfort zone can change your whole life in a positive and exiting way! If you want to live abroad and start a career as a digital nomad, freelancer I highly recommend it!

Key Learnings

  • If possible travel to countries, cities or places first before you move there for a longer time

  • Use your network to find internships or jobs abroad, this is a great shortcut to get interviews and increase your chances to land a job

More related parts:

Next Stop?

You can be sure that this was not my last stop, more to come! Make sure you won´t miss any new articles, videos or helpful resources and subscribe to my free newsletter!

What it needs to become a Digital Nomad

I am often asked by family members or friends "What do you think you need to become a Digital Nomad?" A not easy to answer questions but during my 10 years nomad life, I identified a couple of specific characteristics which could be helpful in becoming a Digital Nomad and gathered them in a separate article which you can check out - "8 things good to have to become a Digital Nomad ".

More reads you might be interested in:

  • Past vs. Present vs. Future - Four Groups of People and how they see the World

  • 8 things good to have to become a Digital Nomad

  • One Year in Mexico - An amazing exchange Semester in Latin America

  • Next Stop - Thailand: Culture Shock but a Life changing Experience

  • How chosing the right University can increase your chances to have a life abroad

  • Why I left Germany to live abroad as a Digital Nomad

  • How to have a good life in Thailand with just US$ 1,000

  • eBook: Escaping the Work-Life Hamster Wheel: 10 Strategies on how to become free and independent as Digital Nomad

  • Two years in Berlin: Living and working in Europe´s "hottest" metropolis

  • The best x platforms to find jobs for Digital Nomads



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