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100% Digital Nomad.

Hi, I am Patrick

I was born and raised in the far west of Germany, near the border with the Netherlands and Belgium.


After completing my vocational baccalaureate, I studied International Business with a focus on Strategic Marketing in Maastricht, Netherlands.


I have been working in B2B marketing for over 15 years. More than 10 years ago, I left Germany and have been living the life of a digital nomad ever since. I’ve visited over 53 countries, traveled across 5 continents, and worn out 3 passports. I’ve lived in Mexico, Thailand, South Korea, Argentina, and Spain.


I love it and couldn’t imagine going back to the rat race and living a normal life with a 9-to-5 office job.

My Story of becoming a Digital Nomad

It has been ten years now since I left Germany to start a new life a life as a Digital Nomad, a life full of uncertainties, risks, and difficult times but also full of excitement, achievements and fun. Those ten years have changed my in a way, a positive way that I never could have hoped for, never would have expected. It made me a different person, more self confident, open minded and most important free and happy!


Being free and happy were always my major drivers and motivations in life. I never envied those who were famous or successful in the sense of being rich. Instead I dreamed of a life far away from the little village in the western part of Germany close to the border to the Netherlands and Belgium were I grew up. When saying a small village I really mean it... just 2500 people lived there and only one bus frequently stopped by to take me out of to experience what else would be out there. I always felt captivated, lost and wrongly placed. I could not connect with the villagers and as they seemed to be too different to me, to closed minded and not really interested in what is out there in our beautiful world.


Not to mention the lack of sunshine and good weather. Sunshine was rare and for me the sky always looked grey and dark, it rained a lot. We all know, that the weather has a big impact on your mental health and that sunshine is important. Sunlight is thought to increase the brain's release of a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused


When ever possible I left the village to visit bigger cities around. Highlights were always holidays with my parents during my childhood which were great opportunities for me to visit far away places and learn more about different cultures. I felt free and just good. It seemed that the further I was away from Germany the happier I was. I was very lucky as my parents traveled a lot and took me to many places in Europe in the early and late 80s while many people in Germany mostly visited the neighboring countries (mostly Austria or The Netherlands). In contrast we traveled thousands of km by car to Italy, former Yugoslavia and further. It was always a great adventure. I remember watching a popular show named "Das Traumschiff" (german for the dream ship) during my childhood. The show was featuring small episodes taking place on a cruise ship. Every show featured a specific country or some cities the ship and passengers traveled to. I was blown away!


You might think that this is funny but for me it was a revelation. I was fascinated by the show and could not wait for the next show to be shown. For me the show was a way to leave the bubble I was captivated in for 90 minutes, to experience exotic countries and places, food and cultures of far away destinations. I remember one show featuring Hong Kong and I was amazed by it so much that I swore my self to travel there later when I was old enough and could afford it. Something happend that day inside me and I knew that it would happen and that there was no way back to the day before...


In January 2024 I launched my website & blog where I share content about Digital Nomads, Entrepreneurship, Digital Nomad Lifestyle, traveling the world and Expat life. I hope you will enjoy it! Feel free to get in touch with me when you have a question or would like to share some ideas or feedback! I am happy to hear from you!


Have a good day!




Contact Me

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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